May means the world is in full bloom, send in some flower inspired work. It can be anything from photography to poetry!
May is Asian Heritage Month. Write about some part of Asian Canadian culture or history that interests you.
This month is also Jewish Heritage Month. Write about a piece of Jewish culture or history that interests you.
If you’re a Star Wars fan you know May 4th was Star Wars Day, write a review of a Star Wars movie, show, or book! ...
With April comes rain, shine, and everything in between! Tell us about your favourite weather; whether it be through art, poetry, or anecdotes.
Help us embrace the coming warm weather by sharing your favourite spring recipes!
Channel your inner creative writer, and write a short story with a twist…
“ April showers bring May flowers…” - Write about the significance of this common saying. What does it mean to you? ...
The spring equinox is March 20th, write a creative writing piece about the changing of seasons
Write about your March Break plans! self care tips for your time off? We want to know them! Did you have an exciting vacation? We would love to hear about it!
March 8th is International Women’s Day. Write about what this day means to you or about a woman that inspires you.
Nepean’s wellness week is March 6th to 10th. Write about your favourite activities to support your mental or physical wellbeing! ...
February is Black History Month and Knightwatch’s February issue will focus on this, here are some prompts focusing on Black creatives, changemakers, and more.
Write about the life, work, history, or whatever interests you about your favourite Black creator; whether it be an artist, director, poet, or composer
Inventions have the potential to change the world; write about an interesting creation from a Black innovator.
Reflect on the quote below or choose your own; what does it mean to you?
“In recognizing the humanity of our fellow beings, we pay ourselves the highest tribute.” - Thurgood Marshall, First Black person to ...
Tell us some things you’re planning on leaving behind in 2022 and some resolutions you have for the New Year!
The Lunar New Year is on January 22nd, write about how you’re celebrating the year of the rabbit!
OCDSB is recognizing Black Excellence day on January 15th, Write about someone in your community or otherwise who you feel exemplifies Black Excellence.
January 27th is International Holocaust Remembrance day, share with us why this day is important to you. ...
Winter is the perfect time to eat some cozy food or indulge in your sweet tooth; share your favourite warm winter recipe or dessert for the holiday season.
We’re coming up on two weeks off for the winter break, tell us all about some of your winter break plans or your favourite activities to do in your time off!
Knightwatch loves art! If you have some winter photography of the snowy landscape, share them with us!
Knightwatch is looking for songs that Nepean students are listening to right now. Fill out this form with three of your favourite songs to listen to during ...
This month, we will be experiencing our first snowfalls of the winter season; write a poem or other creative writing piece about snow or winter!
November 30th is national mason jar day! Write a short story involving a jar or container.
November is holocaust education month and Remembrance day is November 11th, reflect on the impact World War 2 had on you or someone you know. ...
Channel your artistic eye, and submit a photo of some beautiful Fall nature.
Write about your favourite Fall activity in Ottawa!
Submit a review of your favourite movie to watch around Halloween.
Halloween is coming up, so send us your best two line horror story!
Submission deadline is October 24th, get writing! ...
What are you looking forward to in this coming school year?
Summer is a great time to unwind with a good book; write a review of a book you read over the break!
September 30th is National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, write about your experience of the day and its importance.
September marks our entry into fall; write a poem or piece of creative writing about the concept of changing of seasons. ...